Happy Birthday IBM

When I was growing up in the 80’s, IBM in my mind was big, mean, corporate America. The enemy of the bleeding heart liberal.  Looking back, I wonder if growing up in a home with an Apple computer had anything to do with that?! I have since come to look at corporate America differently, of course, and nothing, including big companies like IBM is so black and white.

IBM turns 100 this year, and Start-Up Nation‘s Saul Singer has pointed me towards this wonderful video produced by the company to celebrate this fact. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39jtNUGgmd4&feature=player_embedded.

Why do I put this here? Because I think it is a fabulous opportunity to let your children watch a Youtube video that won’t make you gag.

I want my children to be inspired to THINK, to value innovation, to appreciate technological advances, and to understand the role of private industry in economic and social advancement. I think this video helps them with all of that.  They won’t get it all at first take, but they might walk away understanding that NASA had to work with private companies to get a man on the moon. They will hopefully understand that cutting-edge scientists who work in a lab are not only academics, or are removed from the world of industry. They are responsible for everyday items in their lives that they may not connect in any way to their studies in school.

Too much to put on a short video? Maybe. But I will take this over Barney or trash on television any day.

Way to go IBM, and by the way, Yom Huledet Sameach.