Karmic Coffee punishment

Yesterday was cold and rainy.  A terrible day to drag one’s self out to the grocery store. Even worse day to drag the 19 month old to the grocery store. At the end of my trip, I did what I usually am so very good about resisting. I succumbed to the Dunkin’ Donuts stationed in the exit.  I hate being a predictable victim to consumerism and impulse buying.  I cannot afford the calories of said coffee drink, and I could make one at home 20 minutes later for pennies on the dollar. So, usually I know better.

Yesterday was cold and rainy. And I was tired. And the baby had me at the end of my rope — a regular occurrence in the grocery store. So I did. I bought a frozen cappucinno. And it was good.

On top of my giving in to temptation, the baby grabbed it to drink some. And I didn’t stop him.  The sugar alone is terrible for him, the next time will be even harder for him to accept no, and the caffeine? Well, I am ensuring his stunted growth and lifelong resulting trauma from those sips. This is all what went through my mind, as I punished myself for not allowing him to throw a fit instead. I am the parent, and I should stop this terrible two’s behavior now. Who cares that I am tired? If I give in just until I get to the car, it will be fine…

…. not more than one minute later, 2/3 of said frozen cappuccino was all over his front – and on the pavement. So much for my money, so much for my sugar/caffeine fix.

… Now I was putting a baby soaked in frozen sticky liquid in the car – in the rain.

… Then groceries in the car – in the rain, to the sound of screaming, unhappy, sticky frozen cappuccino boy.

… Hence my calling it a “punishment”. Sometimes, G-d just wants me to learn the hard way.

…. But, you know I coped with the whole experience by drinking whatever was left of that frozen cappuccino the whole way home.