Welcome to Ima2seven…

Blogging has now been around for a long time. Why start?

There are a lot of excellent blogs out there that all touch on topics of interest I hope to include here. So why another site?

First of all, I hope to improve my writing. So cliche. Second, I see the SAHM perspective out there in cyberspace on… being a SAHM. We are the most powerful consumers in the US, and perhaps in the world. Many of us have been in the career world and approach the building of our households as a true career, and strive to excel in that career. We spend a great deal of time connected to the world from home through the internet, but are not as savvy at utlizing the resource or the time as much as we should. And we are capable of bringing about great changes in the world.

As a Jewish, religious, passionately Zionistic American-Israeli Baal Teshuvah with a 15 year old stepson and six more children under the age of ten, I feel I do have a unique and worthwhile perspective. One that I hope to share with those who care enough to read.

Most importantly, I have gained wisdom the hard way. Through my own mistakes and trials.  I hope what I have gained is a little wisdom. It is this that I hope to share.

This blog includes the things in my daily experience: my thoughts on Israel, historically, politically, and socially. My thoughts on Torah and the Jewish world. My thoughts on raising Jewish children to be a light unto the nations and to repair the world. My thoughts on Music education for children 0-5 years old, specifically Jewish music as a means of learning universal musical concepts. My thoughts on being a second wife, and a stepmom. My recommendations on children’s products that are not a waste of time and money (I believe almost all are). 

I might have to throw in an amazing recipe or two at some point, but I suppose if they are for Shabbos then it would fit in the list above somewhere.  My apologies if this is too eclectic for you. I hope you find the more specialized blog that suits you.